Since Top Ten is fairly new i`ve solely focused on top ten best...But whats the fun in that...Lets talk about the worst for this weeks Top Ten..Only films that were great when they started but got bad with each sequel.
Because these are the worst the reviews aren't overly long because honestly these films are not worth very long reviews.
Top Ten: Worst Horror Sequels to Good films.
10. Psycho 3 (1986)
Following up the far better Psycho 1 and 2 the third and worst entry in the series. Despite some interesting camera work and a few decent actors this film is a total mess. The Catholic melodrama is totally out of place really and really tries the audiences patients. If your expecting maybe a fun 80s slasher it fails there as well. It also "borrows" heavily from the original classic in not so subtle ways, quoting classic lines and stealing shots. Perkins directed this and he seems to have no restraint over himself. His acting is hammy in the Shatner level.Its really sad when compared to the amazing 1960 film and the enjoyable sequel. A cold shower on a once hot franchise.
9.Hellraiser III; Hell on Earth (1992)
What happens when a major studio buys a original and fresh franchise, Hell on Earth happens. Not the worst in the series however it makes the list because it marks the end of any good Hellraiser film. Not an original idea in sight just a rehashes of ideas done much better in the first two films. You also wont find any poetic horror here, just big loud dumb action, bad acting and Pinhead spouting lines that are again recycled from the first two films only not nearly as good.
8.Fright Night 2
While this one has its moments and some decent special effects it lacked the spirit of the first film. Its hard to live up to how awesome the original one was. But I think we can all agree its not as bad as the reboot or the direct to dvd sequel that followed.
7: The Birds II: Lands End (1994)
Do you hear that? Its Hitchcock rolling around in his grave after this crap fest. You know when your in trouble the director omits his name on the film, using the Alan Smithee. This made for cable mess has 0 of the master craftsmanship of the original Hitchcock film. Its painfully slow and worst yet the flock of birds is far less impressive this time around. Its also raft with horrible cliche's such as the Major wanting to ignore the problem worrying about pocket lining than the public's safety. There is a reason why there has never been even a DVD release. Nobody would want it.
6:Halloween 5 (1989)
This is my pick for worst entry in the Halloween series..Even though 4 wasn't the greatest it did have an interesting story and a great twist ending. Halloween 5 is riddled with plot holes and annoying characters, not to mention killing off Rachel from part 4. Painfully predictable with any a few decent kills. It also nearly derailed the series, it would be six years before another film would be released. No treats only tricks here.
5. Jason Goes to Hell (1993)
Even hardcore Friday the 13th fans would agree the series is hit or miss. But the worst of the series would have to be Jason Goes to Hell. The fact that Jason is only on screen for a about ten minutes is not the worst thing about this steaming pile. Bad acting horribly laughable goofs and maybe one of the creepiest character in Friday the 13th history, that being the bounty hunter.
4. The Exorcist II:The Heretic (1977)
How do you follow up a cinematic masterpiece like The Exorcist? Well certainly not with this mess of a movie. Considered not only a bad movie but maybe the worst sequel of all time, it does have some good concepts but gets lost in goofiness. Also how did they get Oscar winning actress Louis Fletcher and James Earl Jones to be in this?
3.Creepshow 3 (2006)
After decades of waiting for the next Creepshow fans were in for a horrible surprise with this limp entry which nobody wanted. There is no hint of the clever writing and top notch acting that the first film and to a degree the second film had. Also to makes matters worse the creative forces that made one and two so great is no where in sight. What hurts this film the most is they ditched the element of old school horror comics which is central to the fun spirit of the film, which leaves me to wonder if the point was only to cash in on the name, rather than give fans something worth waiting for.
2.Silent Night Deadly Night 2 (1987)
Yes the infamous and and unwatchable Silent Night Dead 2. This makes the number two spot for the sheer lack of creativity as 60% of the film is footage from the first film....umm yeah. The new footage is features some of the worst acting, lame kills with cheesy one liners. It also makes me mad that the producers had to balls to use the bulk of Selliers film and marketed it to fans hoping for an actual sequel. Some say this is so bad its good, well its not...Its just bad. Its like expecting a Ipad and getting socks...
1.An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
Its hard to think anyone could follow up John Landis's watershed horror film "An American Werewolf in London" and Anthony Wallers sequel proved that you cant teach an old wolf new tricks with this stink burger of a film. None of the humor, charm and slick satire of the previous film and maybe worst of all - CGI werewolves..Yep, foregone is the amazing practical effects of award winning artist Rick Baker for very badly done computer graphics. Its more laughable than hair rising.